I want to start by thanking Julie for her support, Piotr for his ingenuity, Gabriel for his imagination, Aidan for her mad sewing skills (as well as for her amazing mohawk), Sara for this blog, and Aaron for just being Aaron. And September for being bizarre.
We made this belt, which is a bow, which is cute! and versatile. I aim to wear it for 30 days straight to prove it's versatility.
And to do some serious QA.
Previous to this, I've had essentially no experience in fashion, unless you consider making more or less constant trips to Barneys as experience. I read that "The Colonel" didn't start KFC until he was like 65, so I figure that now is a good a time as any to start something new. If not now, when? Or, as my yoga instructor says (shoutout to the Sweatbox!), "If you can, you must." So...enjoy!